Monday, October 22, 2018

Akhmad Sabitun For Poseidon Foundation Healthy Living, Keep the Environment Clean

             Healthy living can start with yourself, one of which is always to keep the environment clean. There are many examples of papers on the Internet which clearly explain the meaning and importance of maintaining a healthy atmosphere. We know very well that the reality of a place to live can be obtained by maintaining hygiene, so it is necessary for us to keep it clean. Unfortunately, until now the sensation of the Indonesian people to pay attention to the surrounding environment can be said to fade even more.

Understanding Healthy Environment
           Understanding a healthy environment is an area that supports the creation of every individual and healthy community. Automatically the environment will be protected from the causes of health problems such as liquid, solid and gas waste. Also protected from animals carrying disease seeds, harmful chemicals, excessive noise pollution, and other negative things.
If you want to get or want to implement a healthy environment, there are some simple aspects & should be fulfilled and always be considered, among others:
• The presence of clean water
• Hygienic food & drinks
• Wastewater management
• Solid waste disposal
• Can control disturbing animals/disease carriers
• Avoid soil contamination by human waste
• Availability of facilities suitable for bathing and washing latrines.
• Avoid air pollution
• Overcoming the environment from noise
               It can be seen how most of the people still throw trash carelessly, my children believe they only imitate their parents' actions as if they allow polluting the environment at will. Sadder is that they all don't feel the least that their treatment is wrong because it hurts many people and can make the environment damaged. We all fully understand that the floods that usually occur in Jakarta and other regions are caused by the practice of throwing garbage into the river, how to preserve the environment if you know the meaning just do not know.
If we allow this problem to drag on, it is not impossible that the accumulation of problems will accumulate, so the disaster will be far more devastating to us sooner or later. Through this article, I invite that we recognize the meaning and benefits of a clean environment.
The clean environment is none other than a clean condition of a zone which causes the environment to be far from various dangerous diseases, it must also be comfortable to be used as a place to live. Therefore, if we want the environment around our place to be stained, we should all work together to make it happen.

Real Work Keeps the Environment
           There are many useful efforts to get a healthy environment, one of which is participating in running routines such as community service.
A simple example of cleaning up a ditch, the goal is that the drainage is not blocked. If it is implemented properly, the environment around our place of residence can avoid flooding. As stated earlier that flooding can cause material losses and the arrival of various diseases.
The small thing but the big impact is always providing a good trash can around the house or special location so that cleanliness is maintained & the environment becomes more organized.

Benefits of a Healthy Environment
            It will not belong to be able to feel the benefits of a healthy environment if we always make and keep it well, the fastest effect we feel is cooler air, reduce the effects of global warming, reduce air pollution, keep away from germs (caused by filthy habitat) and not hygienic and no less important to have a healthy, clean and safe water source for consumption.
Please do a small survey of people, ask them "prefer to live in a clean and healthy environment living or living in a dirty and dirty environment?" I am sure they will be much happier & choose to live in a healthy environment.
               After considering the many positive benefits of maintaining environmental hygiene immediately from this moment we all instill "awareness" and care more about maintaining environmental cleanliness so that we all live healthily.

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