Sunday, February 19, 2017

Legend Menjer Lake, Dieng Wonosobo

Menjer Lake is located in the village of Maron, district Garung, Wonosobo, Central Java. This lake is about 2 km from the capital district. Named for the village of Maron Menjer Lake is actually a new village which was once the village area Menjer.
Menjer Lake is a lake formed by a volcanic eruption at the foot of Mount Pakuwaja. Once water in the lake was only of a few small springs around the lake and also rely on fairly high rainfall in this region. In the Dutch colonial era to be built hydropower Garung below the lake, the river Serayu made dams partially located in the northern village of Bigfoot. Then flowed through underground tunnels along the ± 7 km below PT Tambi tea plantation located in parts of the village and Tlogo Kreo. To drain the water from this pond to the hydropower, made dams small portion of the lake and below installed pipes with diameter to ± 3m toward hydropower within approximately 2 km.

Legend Menjer Lake, Dieng Wonosobo
Told of yore there were two girls were gathering vegetables in the fields. Suddenly there came a giant crab approached. They were amazed at how big and height of the animal. Oblivious to the message parents say that when he is out in the field and then see or encounter something unfamiliar or awkward they were asked to quickly leave the place and do not interfere or disturb him, one of the girls approached and wiped it while astonishment, and kagetlah they see it.

At the time of the girl's back rubbed crab, unwittingly crabs suddenly disappeared and the place they stood gaping a hole that is moving increasingly wider and deeper wells resembles that brought the two girls had disappeared drowned. Be wells with an area of ​​70 ha which was later renamed the lake Menjer.

Forms of this lake is getting into increasingly smaller cone (steamer-Javanese) or trumpet. At the lake occasionally seen a big fish with no size limit. Some people also witnessed sometimes seen someone walking on the lake.

Menjer Lake is located adjacent to the village of Maron, Menjer, and Tlogo. In the western part of the lake there is a big tree merges with cobblestone-like backrest and among rocks there are holes like doors that were closed three stones. If the stone is opened, we see the springs in the grooves like a tub of approximately 3 m2 breadth and usually called goa Song Kamal.

Many people came to take water from there for various purposes, and has become a public trust around the village that if they see the water level is high, it becomes a sign of coming prosperity for the people of the village. Meanwhile, if the water level is reduced / low tide, it indicates there are things to watch


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